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UCL_PDR is a one dimensional PDR code written in Fortran. It treats UV and X-ray radiation, with the radiation field either one- or two-sided. UCL_PDR can treat arbitrary, user-defined chemical networks, and provided collisional excitation data is available can compute line emission from any included molecular or atomic/ionic species. It can optionally calculate photorates from the wavelength-dependent cross-sections, if these are provided. The GitHub package comes with a selection of model clouds, radiation fields, chemical networks (including and excluding X-ray reactions), molecular cross-sections and collisional rate data for the main coolants in PDRs.

UCL_PDR uses the Sundials package to solve the chemical network ODEs, and is parallelised with OpenMP. This version is a substantially upgraded version of the original UCL_PDR (Bell et al. 2005, 2006, Bayet et al. 2011), written by Tom Bell and described in Priestley et al. (2017, in press). It currently compiles with ifort and gfortran.

Authors, Contributors and Users

Main author: Tom Bell.

Contributors: Felix Priestley, Serena Viti, Michael J. Barlow, Jeremy Yates

You are free to download, modify, and use the code for your work The development of the code has been funded by STFC grants ST/H001794/1 and ST/J001511/1.